Sober living

Treatment and Recovery National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA

Detoxification (detox) is the process of clearing the body of drugs or alcohol that an individual has consumed. The purpose of detox is to safely manage withdrawal symptoms when someone stops taking drugs or alcohol. Different drugs carry different risks of serious withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol and benzodiazepine withdrawal can lead to seizures, unstable vital signs, confusion, and even death. In contrast, opioid withdrawal, while deeply uncomfortable, is rarely medically serious. What Is It Like To Detox From Alcohol? For people…

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Alcoholic liver disease: Symptoms, treatment, and causes

One study4 reports the incidence of bruising following dermal fillers to be between 19 and 24 percent, and another study5 reports the incidence as high as 68 percent. So can prescription medicines, such as certain antidepressants. But bruising shouldn’t always be dismissed so easily, says hematologist Dana Angelini, MD. The most important thing you can do to treat alcohol-related neuropathy is to stop consuming alcohol. Symptoms of alcohol-related neuropathy are similar to those of peripheral neuropathy. These can affect both your controlled…

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